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Generate mana to cast spells, but enemies draw from the same mana pool! · By Chris Parlette


Recent updates

Release v1.3
Here's what's new in Trichromancy v1.3: - You can choose your mage names when starting a new game (instead of changing once you start) - Save files show the nex...
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Release v1.2
Updates for Trichromancy this week for version 1.2: - Track undos, damage dealt, damage taken, bonus actions, cards played, battles started and victories per en...
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Release v1.1
Here's what's new in Trichromancy v1.1: - The last card that the enemy plays is shown in the left panel of the battle screen - Visual updates, including borders...
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Release v1.0
Trichromancy v1.0 is out! This release includes all of the things I wanted in a party-based deckbuilding game that runs on any platform. Here are the main featu...
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Release v0.4
- Each mage now has "color points" to determine what cards they can play - Functional shop where you can buy/sell cards and buy upgrades - Working deckbuilding!...
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Release v0.3.1
- First attempt at an Android build! If you try it, let me know how it is on your device - Added 'story mode' - Mages earn gold from winning battles - The next...
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Release v0.1
This is the first alpha release of Trichromancy! Main features currently available: - 3 mages with pre-built decks - 1 enemy with pre-built deck - Card library...
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Release v0.2
- Added keyboard shortcuts during battle - Fix UI display on unconscious characters - Added help screen on main menu and during battle - Added multiple enemies...
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